
Presentations that ignite, inspire and entertain!

Presentations that ignite, inspire and entertain!

We excel at creating unique keynote presentations. Keynotes can range from 30 to 90 minutes. We always create interesting visual presentations. Just like the Course Creators formula for success, our keynotes take knowledge, add it to technology and multiply that times excitement. We can bring creativity, passion and insight to your event.

We believe the key to a successful keynote is what people continue to say about it, and your event, long after it is over. Our presentations can help your event make an indelible lasting impression.

While we custom craft keynotes to fit your event, from our stable of successful presentations comes:

Slide8Winning In a World Transformed By Social Media

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

The business world has been radically transformed by the advent of social media and technology. Do you and your organization under the key principles at work and how to recraft your success in a world dominated by social media. We’ll open your eyes and your minds. You will leave cheering for what lies ahead and the success you can achieve in today’s business world.

Slide1Sustaining Last Minute Intensity

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

Ever notice the energy, focus and determination that comes from the “last minute?” Now imagine if we could show you and your organization how to command and sustain that last minute intensity on a consistent basis. Uncover the principles that make the successful people SuperAchievers and understand how your viewpoint changes when every second is lived in the last minute.

Slide5Lessons From a Lemonade Stand

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

Alexandra Scott, a childhood victim of neuroblastoma, built a 5 million dollar empire between the ages of 4 and 8. Her story will inspire and motivate you from her perspective come powerful lessons for what it takes to succeed and the ways in which we find importance and value in our all too short lives. It’s a amazing what we can learn from her perspective and determination.

Slide3Lessons My Father Taught Me

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

We all have them. Those indelible straight from the heart lessons that came from our fathers. You’ll be amazed at how much we have in common. How much they tried to teach us about business, live and love. You’ll rediscover just how right they were and how much we still have to learn. These are lessons you will hear and want to share.

Slide2Your Alarm Clock is Ringing

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

Welcome to today’s fast paced business world that has changed right before our very eyes. We expected change would come gradually. It didn’t. It came like an avalanche in the business world leaving of us scrambling to catch up. Business leaders are learning that the time to forge ahead is Now. There is little time to waste. After all, our alarm clocks are ringing.

Slide7The Customer Service Revolution

30-90 Minutes

Somewhere in the age of Walmart, discount flights and big box stores we lost the principles give our customers an experience to remember. Find out where we went wrong and what you and your organization can do to rekindle the fires of customer service that create raving fans and repeat business.

Slide10It’s About the Climb

30-90 Minutes

You know it’s really not about the journey it’s about the adventure. We lose track of what the purpose of that journey is all about. Share in the stories of Mount Everest climbers, astronauts and others who pioneered new frontiers, new inventions and new ideas. You and your organization can rediscover innovation and excitement in what you do, if only we could remember it’s not about the summit, it’s about the climb.

Slide4Get Your “But” Out of the Way

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

You won’t believe the power that lies behind what we say and how we say it. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Do you know what’s really in the way of your success. We assure you it is not money, resources or talent. What gets in our way are the subliminal messages we send ourselves and the obstacles we create in our mind. You can learn to change all of that in the simple language you speak. Let us help you get out of your own way.

The Art of Storytelling in BusinessSlide11

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

It was the seanachies of Ireland who memorialized the Art of Storytelling. Understanding why they were revered and the techniques which made them successful are applicable to every salesperson. If business is about relationships and communication, then the vehicle for that lies in the art of storytelling. Become better salespeople and ambassadors by mastering an ancient art.

standing_ovationHow To Get a Standing Ovation Everytime

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

You should know what the top presenters and lecturers know about presentations. How do you capture the audience from the beginning and hold their attention throughout. In a multi-media world you need multi-media skills and presentations. Learn the tips and tricks the pros use to get an audience to their feet everytime.

Slide9Visionating Your Business Success

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

Leonardo DaVinici, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates all have something in common. They understand the power of thinking through pictures. At Course Creators we call this process visionation and it is an exciting, innovative way for you to “See” your business like you have never seen it before. Knowing how to master this skill will open up a whole new horizon of business planning for you and your organization.

Slide6Mindset Matters

30-90 Minute Keynote Presentation

Less separates the excellent from the mundane than we might imagine. Most of that difference is between our ears. It’s not in the brain cells or our level of intelligence, it’s in the way we view and perceive things in our minds. We will show you how simple shifts in mindset change the course of the way we look at the world. It will change the way you approach your business and your life.

Slide12The Parts History Got Wrong

30–90 Minute Keynote Presentation

A lighthearted and fun approach to history that corrects some of the misconceptions we have from the traditional textbooks. You will leave with new insights into the past that change several of the lessons we were taught. You and your organization will leave with a new set of ideas for your future and some lessons that you simply can’t forget.

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