Gallery of Happy Experiences


Why Do We Teach?

We love teaching and sharing though we teach to try and improve and progress the lives and businesses of our clients and students. So we would teach on a street corner if that’s where you are, because we believe what we offer should be convenient and accessible to you. Anytime, anywhere you’re likely to find Course Creators sharing and giving!

IMG_0297Helping Out the Leaders of An Industry

Leading members of Arizona’s Department of Real Estate surrounded by Judy Lowe, Arizona Real Estate Commissioner. We can’t tell you how proud we were to join forces with you on the roll out of the Mentoring Program to increase the quality and content of real estate education and elevate the level of professionalism in our industry!

Cropped Sugar RayWe All Learn From the Success of Others!

We learned so much from meeting Sugar Ray Leonard at the National Association of Realtors Convention & Expo. What makes average anything but is sheer determination and the willingness everyday to do what your competition is not. He taught us the meaning of POWER. Prepare, Overcome, Win Every Round. Guess that pretty much sums up what it takes!

Computer TrainingJoy in Watching Others “Get It!”

Nothing is as rewarding as seeing other people sail through tasks and accomplish goals that they previsously thought were unreachable. When an entire group combines their collective talents to mastering technology and using it to improve their business we couldn’t be happier.

IMG_0337You Always Find Just What You Went Looking For

We probably shouldn’t even admit this, but sometimes we get on a plane or in a car for a teaching destination and somehow the details work out (Was that you Kris?) Even if we arrived without a room and imagined that we would find a nice little place along the beach. Ahhhh…the power of manifesting your dreams!

phone July 008The Recluse of Course Creation & Devlopment

Our presentations are public events of flair. The work to get there and the course writing and development is done in quiet seclusion. Yes, that is us on the internet at 3:00 AM. Sometimes it is done on beaches in far away locations where we can focus and craft the next great thing. That’s the part you will never see, but only experience as a finished polished product.

IMG_0311Life On The Road

It can takes it’s toll as we lose count of the cities and destinations, but we do take time to try and take in a part of the various locations we are in. From the Oregon Coast across the nation to the city of Charlotte. It’s all an experience and every moment is a chance to connect, reach out and share.

IMG_0300Every Day is a Lesson

It’s amazing where we find course material. Did you know that you could write an entire Customer Service Revolution course based solely on what you observe and experience in an airport? Trust us there are lots of lessons there, good and bad. We know we have the notes, pictures and outlines to prove it.

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