Course Creators Training Alabama Instructors
In several states the real estate commissions require instructors to attend mandatory Instructor Development Workshops (IDW’s) in order to maintain instructor certification. Alabama is one of those states.
Course Creators has contracted with the Alabama Real Estate Commission to provide training to Alabama real estate instructors. On August 13, 2010 the Alabama Commission will be hosting a 6 hour workshop session as part of this IDW training and Course Creators has been selected as the national education provider to lead and facilitate this training. The training will occur at the Commission’s offices in Montgomery.
Course Creators is honored to have formed a working relationship with the Alabama Commission and is looking forward to helping instructors in that state take education and training to the next level.
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Appreciate you providing this info. Unfortunately, I had to miss this one. Any updates on further training?
Good news! It is coming August 13th of 2010!!