
Course Creators & Simon Property Group

Course Creators is honored to be involved in an educational collaboration agreement with Simon Property Group. David Simon recently picked up a lofty honor from a lofty publication. According to the Indianapolis Star on January 10, 2010:

The Harvard Business Review dubbed David Simon one of the world’s best performing CEO’s. The chairman and chief executive officer of Indianapolis based Simon Property Group ranked as the globe’s 46th best CEO. He produced a country-adjusted shareholder return of 325% and an $18 billion increase in market capitalization from 1995 (when he became CEO) through September 30, 2009.

Simon is the nation’s largest developer and manager of shopping malls. Simon planned acquisition of Baltimore based Prime Acquisition Co. with 22 outlet shopping centers, is a signal the company is determined to grow during tough times. That deal, valued at$2.33 billion, is expected to close by the end of the first quarter.

Course Creators is spending this week in conjunction with Simon to develop and roll out a nationwide Mall Managers Training Program that will consist of multiple modules written and created by Len Elder & Theresa Barnabei of Tucson based, Course Creators, a nationwide adult education course developer. Although Barnabei & Elder have gained nationwide recognition for their work on social media courses, their strong business and legal backgrounds will make the joint educational effort with Simon Property Group rewarding for all parties involved in the collaboration.

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