Getting More Buyers & Sellers Can Be Easy! – Tucson, Arizona – Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Agency Law
Do you know that every day millions of buyers go to Trulia and Zillow to look for homes? Do you know that 70% of them are going to buy in the next year and that 42% are already pre-qualified. When they go to these sites can they find you as a real estate professional? Do they find your listings? Are you frustrated with what Zillow says about home values?
Creating accounts on Zillow and Trulia where you can post your listings is FREE! So is creating a profile! We will share with you how to set up your accounts, how to use the forum discussions to get more clients and how you can create a source of referrals from anywhere in the country using these two powerful websites.
How To Use Trulia & Zillow
Sponsored By: Landmark Title
Held At: 7090 N. Oracle Rd, #152, Tucson, Arizona
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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