
Do You Use PowerPoint ? Are You Trying to Spice It Up A Bit?

We use PowerPoint everyday. It is an amazing communications tool for creating visual presentations to educate not only students, but your customers, business associates, employees and clients. Those of you who have been in our classes know that we utilize videos a lot and have developed a number of creative ways to them in education.

Next week Theresa and Len are presenting at the national Real Estate Educators Association Conference and Convention in Las Vegas. We are presenting two sessions: one on Making Ideas Sticky and on on How to Use Videos in PowerPoint. We have hung instructional videos for how to technically do this on our YouTube channel. You can access those videos by clicking here if you need additional information.

Or you can simply get everything you need on one easy to use video training CD that walks you through it step by step.

We do everything we can to make Becoming More Successful easy for you!

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