
Tucson Association of REALTORS Education Cruise Treasures and Trends Mexico, May 1st-8th, 2011

Course Creators is honored to have once again been selected as the exclusive education providers for the Tucson Association of Realtors Educational Cruise. This year the cruise aboard the Carnival Splendor will last 7 days and include port stops in Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas and Mazatlan. You can be part of this incredible event and also get 24 hours of continuing education. We are going to have an incredible time.

The theme for this years educational cruise is Treasures and Trends. We will be exploring new worlds of education uncovering treasures that can help you drive your business further and faster than you ever thought before and we will be interlacing that education with the trends you really need to know about practicing real estate in a changing world.

We can’t wait to share this new information with you, so what do you say we all climb aboard and sail away on May 1st through the 8th!

To find out just how affordable this educational opportunity is, to learn more or to make a reservation contact Annalisa Morena, Education Director, at the Tucson Association of Realtors.

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