
Successful Marketing Reports – Tucson, Arizona – Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pending ADRE Education Approval

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. General

Buyers and sellers tell us precisely what we need to do in order to get them to hire us and be satisfied customers. That information is in the NAR Profile of Homebuyers and sellers. Use the power of those statistics to increase your conversion ratio and serve your clients with ease and success. This course is being sponsored and taught at:

Metro Title

2502 E. River Road, Tucson, Arizona

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Register NowBook An Event


Winning Strategies for 2010 – Roanoke, Virginia – Friday, October 16, 2009

Acquisition TitleCourse Creators CEO and national speaker, Theresa Barnabei, will be presenting a two hour seminar entitled “Winning Strategies for 2010” in Roanoke, Virginia in collaboration with Acquisition Title.

Theresa will be helping real estate professionals in the Virginia area establish a whole new mindset that will enhance their success in the coming year including coverage of the following topics:

  • Gettting a head start on organizing your business
  • Keeping your head in the right marketplace
  • Staying head and shoulders above the competition
  • Heading in the right social media direction

On the Road in RoanokeThis fast paced cutting edge presentation will be at the Holiday Inn, Roanoke-Tanglewood, Route 419 and 1581, 4468 Starkey Road, SW from 2:00 – 4:00.

To reserve your space today, contact Acquisition Title at (540) 989-0884.


Does Social Media Work in Real Estate – Tucson, Arizona – Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting What You Want Personally & Professionally

Getting What You Want Personally & Professionally

Course Creators will be presenting “Does Social Media Work in Real Estate” at the September CRS breakfast at the Tucson Association of Realtors. Everyday we are asked to explain what the evolving world of social media means to real estate professionals. We will share that information with you and give you insights into what you need to be doing now to grow your business!

The CRS September Breakfast

Tucson Association of Realtors

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

8:30 AM


Course Creators Training Alabama Instructors

AlabamaIn several states the real estate commissions require instructors to attend mandatory Instructor Development Workshops (IDW’s) in order to maintain instructor certification. Alabama is one of those states.

Course Creators has contracted with the Alabama Real Estate Commission to provide training to Alabama real estate instructors. On August 13, 2010 the Alabama Commission will be hosting a 6 hour workshop session as part of this IDW training and Course Creators has been selected as the national education provider to lead and facilitate this training. The training will occur at the Commission’s offices in Montgomery.

Course Creators is honored to have formed a working relationship with the Alabama Commission and is looking forward to helping instructors in that state take education and training to the next level.

2 comments | Written by Theresa Barnabei in: Our Calendar |

Course Creators Honored With ADRE Partnership

ADRE_SealCourse Creators has been selected by Commissioner Judy Lowe and the Arizona Department of Real Estate as the education provider to assist with the kickoff and orientation training for ADRE’s new Classroom Monitoring Program. In an effort to raise the bar and delivery of real estate education throughout the State of Arizona, ADRE has implemented a program to put more monitors in classroom’s to insure a higher quality of education.

ADRE has selected throughout the state a number of monitors who will be charged with the mission of attending various education classes and returning to the Department feedback on the quality of the education and whether or not the courses are meeting ADRE education standards. Hats off to our real estate Commissioner Judy Lowe for this increased commitment to our licensees.

The first orientation for the monitoring program will be held on October 20th at the ADRE offices in Phoenix. Course Creators is honored to have been chosen by the Department to assist in the roll out and training for this program. Welcome to a whole new era of real estate education in Arizona.


Using Social Media In Your Business – Tucson, Arizona – Monday, September 28, 2009


Today you cannot afford to be without the power of social media. It is literally transforming the ways in which we do business, how we interact with our  clients and customers and the manner in which we grow our business. Join us for this FREE one hour introduction to the world of social media .

Title Security Agency of Arizona

6390 E. Tanque Verde, Tucson, Arizona

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Monday, September 28, 2009

Please reserve a seat. Seating is limited. To reserve a seat call Course Creators at (520) 360-0280!


WebBiz – Tucson, Arizona – Friday, September 25, 2009

WebBizCome and learn how to create your own webpage and blog in a day. You can maximize the power of internet resources, upload links and photos. Know how to use new and innovative tools like Google docs, alerts and calendars to fully realize your potential, minimize your time and maximize your income.

Title Security Agency @ Country Inns & Suites

7411 N. Oracle Road,  Tucson, Arizona

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Friday, September 25, 2009

Register NowBook An Event

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FaceBiz for Referral Tree – Tucson, Arizona – Saturday, September 12, 2009

Click Here to Learn More

Come and learn how to maximize the power of Facebook! You will come away with whole new ways to increase your business and maximize your revenue using this marvelous social media tool. This course is being sponsored and taught at:

FOR Referral Tree Members

First American Title – 1880 E. River Rd. # 120 – Tucson, Arizona

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Saturday, September 12, 2009

Register NowBook An Event

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Coming to the WCR Luncheon – Tucson, Arizona – September 10, 2009


Take back the industrySeptember 10th We will be keynoting the WCR (Women’s Council of Realtors) Luncheon with the message all about “Taking Back The Industry”.   It is time to see the trends, spread the word, get excited and get our clients excited!!  We will take back this industry from those who know not better than ourselves and change our marketplace one person at a time!!

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Unveiling the NAR Conference & Expo 2009 – San Diego

Len & Theresa have been requested to present at the 2009 NAR Conference and Expo in San Diego.

Their presentation was a hit last year and this year they will be revisiting ‘Statistics To Success”an analysis of how to use the Home Buyers and
Home Sellers Profiles to increase your business. We look forward to helping you Chart a Winning Course in San Diego.

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