
Save Time & Money Dealing With ADRE – Tucson, Arizona – Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Virtual Commissioner

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Commissioner's Standards

Do you want to save $40 the next time you renew your license? Do you know consumers can see which classes you have taken? Do you know why agents are loosing their licenses over subdivision issues? You will be amazed at what you are able to do through the ADRE website. You could be receiving automated updates from the Department, have your education posted to your registration card, renew on line at substantial savings and be on top of what is happening in your industry. This is a class full of information you will actually use to save time and money!

The Virtual Commissioner

Sponsored By: Title Security

Held At: The Conference Room At Oro Valley, 10445 N. Oracle Rd., #121, Tucson, Arizona

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Thursday, February 17, 2010

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What We Don’t Know is Hurting Us & Our Wallets – Sierra Vista, Arizona – Tuesday, February 16, 2010

At the Closing Table

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. RE Legal Issues

It’s amazing what we don’t know about real estate closings at least when it comes to how to turning them into marketing opportunities. These are practical issues from the real world of real estate closings. Find out what  escrow officers have to say about streamlining your transaction, removing roadblocks and informing your clients.  Understand the changes surrounding the new HUD-1 Settlement Statement and avoid the most common issues that delay and frustrate the closing of a real estate transaction.

Sponsored By: Southeast Arizona Association of Realtors

Held At:  Association Offices, 125 South Second Street, Sierra Vista, Arizona

1:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Tuesday, February 16, 2010

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Hot Contract Issues in Short Sale & REO Transactions – Sierra Vista, Arizona – Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hot Contract Issues in Short Sales & REO Properties

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Contract Law

Know how to successfully handle the most challenging contractual issues that are encountered in short sale and REO transactions. We will be discussing and sharing specific addenda and contract language that will help you protect your clients and remove the doubt, fear and uncertainty that distressed sales create. Find out what the agents and brokers who have closed REO and short sale transactions had to learn the hard way. 

Sponsored By: Southeast Arizona Association of Realtors, American Guardian, WJ Bradley Mortgage

Held At: Association Offices – 125 S. Second Street, Sierra Vista, Arizona

1:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Thursday, February 11, 2010

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Try A New Breed of Fair Housing Class – Sierra Vista, Arizona – Thursday, February 11, 2010

Diversity In Your Hood

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Fair Housing

No theory. No preaching. No 1960’s Fair Housing discussions. This class is straight talk about what you need to know about diversity in your neighborhood in order to be successful. Since all real estate is local wouldn’t you really like to know what diversity means in your ‘hood ‘and how it is affecting the day to day practice of your profession. This is the real world Fair Housing class you have been waiting for.

We will change the way you look at fair housing forever!

Diversity In Your Hood

Sponsored By: Southeast Arizona Association of Realtors, American Home Guardian, WJ Bradley Mortgage

Held At: Association Offices, 125 S. 2nd Street, Sierra Vista, Arizona

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Thursday, February 11, 2010

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How To Find FSBO’s & Capture Their Business! – Tucson, Arizona, Friday, February 5, 2010

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Agency Law

What if you could find the FSBO’s in your area or neighborhood with just a few clicks? What if you had the right script and detailed information to convert FSBO’s into “Just Listed” with you? Did you know that sellers who hire agents end up with more money than those who sell their home on their own (even after commissions are deducted)? There are lots of FSBO’s out there who actually want to be your client if you know what to say, how to say it and where to find them.

How To Find FSBO’s and Capture Their Business

Sponsored By: Stewart Title & Trust of Tucson

Held At: 1050 E. River Road, # 200, Tucson, Arizona

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Friday, February 5, 2010

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Save Time & Money Dealing With ADRE – Sierra Vista – Thursday, February 4, 2010

Virtual Commissioner

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Commissioner's Standards

Do you want to save $40 the next time you renew your license? Do you know consumers can see which classes you have taken? Do you know why agents are loosing their licenses over subdivision issues? You will be amazed at what you are able to do through the ADRE website. You could be receiving automated updates from the Department, have your education posted to your registration card, renew on line at substantial savings and be on top of what is happening in your industry. This is a class full of information you will actually use to save time and money

The Virtual Commissioner

Sponsored By:  Southeast Arizona Association of Realtors

Held At:  125 S. Second Street, Sierra Vista, Arizona

1:00 PM to  4:00 PM – Thursday, February 4, 2010

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Want to Know Exactly What to Do With Social Media? – Sierra Vista, Arizona – Thursday, February 4, 2010

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Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Agency Law

In today’s real estate world social media has become King. Are you struggling with questions like where do I begin? What exactly should I do? We all need to go where our clients went in the world of social media. This course will help you understand how much social media can advance your business. Learn what other top producing professionals already know. Your future is directly tied to your understanding of what social media is, how it works and how you can use it. Don’t get left behind. The time is NOW!

Catch The Wave

Sponsored By: Southeast Arizona Association of Realtors

Held At:  125 S. Second Street, Sierra Vista, Arizona

9:00 PM to 12:00 PM – Thursday, February 4, 2010

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Give Your Clients The Information They Need! – Tucson, Arizona, Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do you know the typical questions that clients always ask in real estate transactions? Do you know how to answer them effectively? Do you want your client to tell others that you are a professional and an expert?

99% of the answers to questions clients ask are addressed in the contract. You just need to know where to find them and how to explain them. This is what you really need to know about the purchase contract because these are scripts and dialogues you will use every day.

When They Say…You Should Say…

Sponsored By: Metro Title

Held At: 2502 E. River Road, Tucson, Arizona

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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Getting More Buyers & Sellers Can Be Easy! – Tucson, Arizona – Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Agency Law

Do you know that every day millions of buyers go to Trulia and Zillow to look for homes? Do you know that 70% of them are going to buy in the next year and that 42% are already pre-qualified. When they go to these sites can they find you as a real estate professional? Do they find your listings? Are you frustrated with what Zillow says about home values?

Creating accounts on Zillow and Trulia where you can post your listings is FREE! So is creating a profile! We will share with you how to set up your accounts, how to use the forum discussions to get more clients and how you can create a source of referrals from anywhere in the country using these two powerful websites.

How To Use Trulia & Zillow

Sponsored By: Landmark Title

Held At: 7090 N. Oracle Rd, #152, Tucson, Arizona

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Do You Want the Perfect Answer? – Tucson, Arizona – Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. General

Are your clients asking you questions and you wish you had the answer? Do you want the perfect answer to the most common questions that agents get asked? Did you know your responses determine just how successful you will be?

Stop fearing client objections and start embracing them. Your only struggle has been the lack of information and scripts to deal with the most common client objections. We have them and we want to share them with you! These responses are tools you will use every day to increase your business, your bottom line and your client’s satisfaction.

Overcoming The Most Common Client Objections

Sponsored By:  Landmark Title

Held At: 7090 N. Oracle Rd., #152, Tucson, Arizona

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM –  Tuesday,  February 2, 2010

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