Save Time & Money Dealing With ADRE – Tucson, Arizona – Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Do you want to save $40 the next time you renew your license? Do you know consumers can see which classes you have taken? Do you know why agents are loosing their licenses over subdivision issues? You will be amazed at what you are able to do through the ADRE website. You could be receiving automated updates from the Department, have your education posted to your registration card, renew on line at substantial savings and be on top of what is happening in your industry. This is a class full of information you will actually use to save time and money!
The Virtual Commissioner
Sponsored By: Title Security
Held At: The Conference Room At Oro Valley, 10445 N. Oracle Rd., #121, Tucson, Arizona
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Thursday, February 17, 2010