
To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That Is NOT A Question – Tucson, Arizona – Monday, October 25, 2010

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs Disclosure Course Creators 520.360.0280

It’s all about the SPDS, fully understanding it and protecting your clients as well as yourself.   How well do you know the Seller’s Property Disclosure Statement? Does your client really understand their rights, obligations and duties in regard to disclosure?

Want to know what to say to the agent who lists a property without a SPDS? Want to know how to protect yourself when your seller doesn’t want to complete the disclosure? Want to protect your buyers when a SPDS is not available?  Then come to class and get all this and more!

To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That is Not the Question

Sponsored By: Metro Title

Held At: 2502 E. River Road

1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Monday, October 25, 2010

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InstaTekkie – Social Media Certification – Southeast Arizona Association of REALTORS® – Tuesday & Wednesday, October 19th & 20th

Course Creators cutting edge “hands-on” social media certification course makes it fun, exciting and easy to learn the technology that will bring you more clients, more business and move you to the next level. This two day “bring your laptop and click along with us” format will have you accomplishing more in two days than you ever thought possible.

  • Experience the power of YouTube, create your own channel and make and edit your own real estate videos
  • Create facebook business accounts and learn how to integrate facebook into your business
  • Expand your sphere of influence and network like a pro on Linkedin
  • Include the power of blogging and lower your marketing expenses
  • Uncover new sources of business and expand your marketing on Zillow and Trulia
  • Increase your Google skills and learn new tools for managing the net

Complete with 200 page “How to Click” Playbook with Step by Step SuCCess Clicks!

To bring this national course to Sierra Vista,
Course Creators has partnered with
The Southeast Arizona Association of REALTORS®

You can register for the class by contacting the Association

For additional questions or concerns contact:
Lynn Butler, SEAZ    (520) 458-7802


InstaTekkie – Social Media Certification – Charlotte, North Carolina – October 7th & 8th

Course Creators cutting edge “hands-on” social media certification course makes it fun, exciting and easy to learn the technology that will bring you more clients, more business and move you to the next level. This two day “bring your laptop and click along with us” format will have you accomplishing more in two days than you ever thought possible.

  • Experience the power of YouTube, create your own channel and make and edit your own real estate videos
  • Create facebook business accounts and learn how to integrate facebook into your business
  • Expand your sphere of influence and network like a pro on Linkedin
  • Include the power of blogging and lower your marketing expenses
  • Uncover new sources of business and expand your marketing on Zillow and Trulia
  • Increase your Google skills and learn new tools for managing the net

Complete with 200 page “How to Click” Playbook with Step by Step SuCCess Clicks!

To learn more and register for this groundbreaking course just click on the Superior Logo to the left!

Course Creators is honored to offer this class throughout North Carolina in partnership with Superior School of Real Estate.


Building And Managing Your Real Estate Business – Sierra Vista, AZ – Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. General by Course Creators 520.306.0280

This course is all about the art of getting things done on a daily basis! We will explore planning and prioritizing that allows you to be more effective by day and relax by night. You never knew that working “on” your business could be this much fun and profitable.

With better management skills, you will be in a better position to much more effectively take care of your clients!

Building And Managing Your Business

Sponsored By: Southeast Arizona Association of REALTORS®

Held At: SEAZ, 125 S. 2nd St., Sierra Vista, AZ

1:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Please register with SEAZ at 520.458.7802

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0 comments | Written by Theresa Barnabei in: Our Calendar |

North Carolina Real Estate Educators Conference – Carolina Beach – September 29th – October 1st

Len & Theresa are honored to have been invited once again to the North Carolina Real Estate Educators Association (NCREEA) Convention.

On Friday, October 1st from 1:30 to 4:30 Course Creators will be presenting a Special Session on Creating Powerful Profitable Courses. Come join us and learn just how fun, exciting and easy creating memorable courses for your students can be.

Register NowBook An Event

Get IT! Use IT! Become More Successful Because of IT!


InstaTekkie – Social Media Certification – Wilmington, North Carolina – September 27th and 28th

Course Creators cutting edge “hands-on” social media certification course makes it fun, exciting and easy to learn the technology that will bring you more clients, more business and move you to the next level. This two day “bring your laptop and click along with us” format will have you accomplishing more in two days than you ever thought possible.

  • Experience the power of YouTube, create your own channel and make and edit your own real estate videos
  • Create facebook business accounts and learn how to integrate facebook into your business
  • Expand your sphere of influence and network like a pro on Linkedin
  • Include the power of blogging and lower your marketing expenses
  • Uncover new sources of business and expand your marketing on Zillow and Trulia
  • Increase your Google skills and learn new tools for managing the net

Complete with 200 page “How to Click” Playbook with Step by Step SuCCess Clicks!

To learn more and register for this groundbreaking course just click on the Superior Logo to the left!

Course Creators is honored to offer this class throughout North Carolina in partnership with Superior School of Real Estate.


Coming to Alabama – Mid-August

AlabamaLen & Theresa are honored to have been hired by The Alabama Real Estate Commission to help their state train professional real estate instructors. We will be presenting “How to Get A Standing Ovation Everytime” as a 6 hour Instructor Development Workshop at the Commission on August 15, 2010 in Montgomery, Alabama.

We will be helping fellow instructors hone and improve their presentation skills and aspire to the Generally Accepted Principles of Education (GAPE) as defined by the national Real Estate Educators Association.

Since we are in the Alabama area we would love the opportunity to do a presentation, class, course or keynote for your brokerage, organization or company. There is no more affordable time to hire us than when we are in your area.

About Course CreatorsBook An Event


InstaTekkie – Social Media Certification – Charlotte, North Carolina – August 7th and 8th

Course Creators cutting edge “hands-on” social media certification course makes it fun, exciting and easy to learn the technology that will bring you more clients, more business and move you to the next level. This two day “bring your laptop and click along with us” format will have you accomplishing more in two days than you ever thought possible.

  • Experience the power of YouTube, create your own channel and make and edit your own real estate videos
  • Create facebook business accounts and learn how to integrate facebook into your business
  • Expand your sphere of influence and network like a pro on Linkedin
  • Include the power of blogging and lower your marketing expenses
  • Uncover new sources of business and expand your marketing on Zillow and Trulia
  • Increase your Google skills and learn new tools for managing the net

Complete with 200 page “How to Click” Playbook with Step by Step SuCCess Clicks!

To learn more and register for this groundbreaking course just click on the Superior Logo to the left!

Course Creators is honored to offer this class throughout North Carolina in partnership with Superior School of Real Estate.


Catch The Social Media Wave – Tucson, AZ – Monday, July 12, 2010

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Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Agency Law Course Creators 520.360.0280

In today’s business world, social media is not a passing phase.  It is here to stay.  Therefore, your future is directly tied to your understanding of what social media is, how it works, why it works and how you can use it to become more successful!  And if you are struggling with questions like: “Where do I begin?”  ” What exactly should I do?”, don’t worry!  We give you a simple 5 step plan to follow in 2010!   Don’t get left behind. The time is NOW!

Catch The Social Media Wave

Sponsored By: Fidelity National Title

Held At: 1630 E. River Rd. #120, Tucson, Arizona

9:00 PM to 12:00 PM – Monday, July 12, 2010

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0 comments | Written by Theresa Barnabei in: Our Calendar |

Hot Contract Issues In Short Sales & REO Transactions – Tucson, AZ – Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot Contract Issues in Short Sales & REO Properties

Real Estate CE 3 Hrs. Contract Law Course Creators 520.360.0280

The subtle nuances of short sales and REO’s!  Once we understand how we “got in this mess in the first place”, we then can explore and discuss specific addenda and contract language that will help you protect your clients while removing the doubt, fear and uncertainty that distressed sales create. This class is sure to uncover some things you just didn’t know but wish you had!  Come and find out just what that might be.

Hot Contract Issues In Short Sales and REO Transactions

Sponsored By: Title Security

Held At: 6390 E. Tanque Verde Rd., Tucson AZ

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Thursday, July 8, 2010

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